
Welcome To The College Doula™

Let's Get Your Dream College Acceptance Letter

The College Doula provides ever-present, professional college counseling during the stress and uncertainty of the college admissions process, acting as your personal advocate, skilled project manager, and expert advisor.

Every Kind of Student
Every Kind of Family

I provide personalized guidance for a limited number of students each year, ensuring a tailored and supportive admissions journey for your family. My service positively transforms the high school and college application experience and students who are confident, purpose-driven, and ready to thrive in their future academic pursuits, resulting in powerfully-authored admissions applications and students who are confident and purpose-driven. The College Doula is for every kind of student and every kind of family. 

8th grade help with admission into college. The college doula. Student getting help with math to get college acceptance.

The College Doula™ Difference

Students Helped
Coffee Consumed
TikToks Made

(Trust me, It’s Better This Way)

Days I'm Here For You

Arriving with Purpose

“I couldn't be more excited for you or prouder of everything you accomplished.”-Meg

The College Doula™ Programs

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The College Doula™

Hi! My name is Meg Mahoney and I am The College Doula. I have built a career by helping students and families through the college admissions process. For the last 10 years, I have proudly worked with students and families hailing from every continent (except Antarctica)! Not only have I successfully guided students to admissions at highly sought after schools like University of Virginia, Northeastern University, Carnegie Mellon, Cornell University, and Vanderbilt University, I am incredibly proud of helping students overcome challenges (including some major ones) to gain acceptance into their dream schools — the schools and communities where they will be supported and thrive.

I love working with young people at a pinnacle point of their life, trying to discover who they are and imagine who they can become. I have worked with students from around the world including Canada, Hong Kong, Costa Rica, Saudi Arabia, Mongolia, Brazil, Panamá, Colombia, England, Germany, and the United States.

exclusive benefits of working with meg

A personal confidant who delivers exclusive value.
Your own expert, up-to-date consultant with 10+ years of experience and extensive network within the field.
Official relief of managing your child's college admissions process, an unnecessary and emotional pain point for parents.
A smart, ambitious college-list and the accompanying compelling application to result in acceptance letters.
Ability to present students on paper to stand out against the competition by being themselves.
Empower students with informed college and career goals, resulting in happy kids in control of their futures.
Solution-focused advising to produce results and find joy in the process.
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Coming Summer 2022

For Questions, please email us at or contact us below.

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